In other news, I've pimped out my vest by adding four new pouches and a patch to it. The patch is pretty sick. I also ordered ~19,300 BB's. Yeah, that's a crap-load. ~16,000 are my favorite: .25g HP OD G&G's, and ~3,300 are white .3g P-Force BB's for my sniper, which is now accurate and awesome.
My UTG AK-47 is a piece of crap, and it's slowly breaking piece by piece, but I'll be able to buy a new, better gun soon with BK money. I'm torn between three different Echo 1 AK variants; they're all very unique, and I guess they could be considered rare at an airsoft course since there are mostly M4's, M16's, M14's and regular AK's.
That'll do for now.
Oh and I look forward to shooting you.